New Chairs
Before putting hyudraulic unit into service, pump unit all the way up and let it all the way down
8 to 10 times to make sure the shaft and seals inside have been properly lubricated.Occasionally, hydraulic bases are in storage for a few months, causing the oil from the pump
shaft to settle down inside the unit. Pumping it up and down will re-lubricate the shaft and seals.
Continuing Preventative Maintenance
Many stylists work in a restricted up and down range, which prevents the pump shaft
and seals for always getting the proper lubrication. For this reason, it is necessary to
pump chairs all the way up and down as recommended, for preventive care.
If you lift up on the chair top while the pump is not in the locked position, you pull the
hydraulic shaft up from the pump, allowing air to get into the unit. When the chair is
placed back in use again, you will find the hydraulic may not stay in the up position.